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Young Toddler Classroom

Old Toddler Classroom

Toddler Classroom
Science :
- Active Exploration: investigate materials experiment with space/ volume; build structures; use simple tools
- Questioning and Problem Solving: ask, “why, what, how;” identify a problem; explore solutions, cause-and-effect exploration
- Visual Arts: investigate the world through senses; begin to use art materials; explore textures and colours
- Dance and Creative Movement: listen and respond to a variety of music
- Performing Arts: use imagination in play; engage in simple role plays
- Number Sense: begin to understand one-to-one correspondence, counting
- Sorting and Patterning: begin to sort objects and notice patterns; name objects and recognize patterns
- Time: use words to describe past and future events
Self-Awareness :
- Healthy Living Practices: explore foods; build large motor skills; participate in simple yoga/mindfulness exercises
- Nature Experiences: explore natural materials, gardens, plants, and animals, daily sensory experiences and self-help skills
- Character and Community: begin to make positive contributions; express affection and compassion
- Environmental Awareness: begin to care for the classroom or garden, daily outdoor experiences (weather permitting)
- Social-Emotional: learn the world is a safe place; see adults model cooperation; begin to develop empathy; build positive relationships
- Executive Function: begin to follow simple directions
- Listening and Speaking: tune into voices; listen/respond to simple instructions; communicate desires
- Early Literacy: explore picture books; tell simple stories; understand beginning, middle, end and expressive language
- Working hours
Monday – Friday
7:00 am – 6:00 pm
- Address
280 Pioneer Road, Suite 220, Spruce Grove, AB.
T7X 0Y2
Call : +1 780-977-7294
Email : razia.qarni@hotmail.com